Privacy and security are things which we love Telegram for. Using this messanger means not to be worried about data safety or confidentiality of correspondence. Today we are going to make your Telegram even safer with the help of app settings. We will teach you how to: block users, hide your phone number, last seen time and photo, make it so that nobody could forward your messages, get rid of unwanted calls, create extra protection for your account and start secret chats. All these you need to stay anonymous when you really need it. Remember that using anonymity for criminal purposes is suppressed by Telegram.
- How to block a Telegram user?
- How to hide your phone number in Telegram?
- How to hide your last seen name in Telegram?
- How to hide your photos in Telegram?
- How to ban users from forwarding my messages in Telegram?
- How to ban users from calling you and make calls safer?
- How to create extra protection for your Telegram account?
- How to start a secret chat?
All the settings we need today are in the same folder:
- Swipe to the right to open menu;
- Go to Settings;
- Select Privacy and Security.
How to ban users from forwarding your messages in Telegram?
- In privacy and security settings you choose Forwarded Messages;
- Select those who can add a link to your account when forwarding your messages. Those who can’t do it will only be able to forward the text of the message but without mentioning the author;
- You can also create a special list of those who can/cannot add a link to your account when forwarding your messages, add those users to the exceptions.
How to ban users from calling you and make call safer?
- In privacy and security settings you go to Calls;
- Select those who can call you;
- Find Peer-to-Peer section and click on Use Peer-to-Peer;
- Select Nobody. Now no user can reveal your IP address during a call. But audio and video quality may dicrease. Here you can also select those users with whom you want/don’t want to use this function.
How to create extra protection for your account?
In order to protect your account you can turn on passcode lock and two-step verification.
If your cell is in nosy people’s hands, passcode lock won’t let them (or at least will make it harder) get access to your account. Together with your cell’s lock it will win time for you.
Two-step verification won’t let the hackers get the access to your account even if they knows the code from the SMS or Telegram message, because they will need to enter password, which you set yourself.
Passcode Lock
- In the privacy and security settings you find Security section and go to Passcode Lock;
- Click on the switch on the right from the Passcode Lock title;
3. Now you can set a PIN or a Password, set unlock with fingerprint or with your face. You can also set the auto-lock time in order not to unlock it every time you take the phone. You can switch auto-lock off and lock the app yourself only when you need it. The lock icon will appear in the chats list.
4. Under auto-lock settings you can disable showing app content in task switcher, but you also won’t be able to take screenshots in the app.
Two-Step Verification
- In privacy and security settings you go toTwo-Step Verification;
- Click on Set Password;
- Set the password, password hint and enter recovery email;
- Two-Step Verification is set.
How to start a secret chat?
Secret chat differ from ordinary by several things:
- It’s available only on the device where it was started;
- You can set a self-destruct timer;
- It’s not allowed to forward messages or make screenshots in it.
In order to start a secret chat:
- Open the chat and click on the user name on the top;
- Click on the three dots icon on the top right and select Start Secret Chat. It becomes available as soon as your mate is online;
- In the chat list secret chats are highlighted with the green contact name and the lock icon near it.
Remember! A lot of the limits you set for other users work against your account in the same way. If you hide your last seen time, you won’t see other users last seen time, you can’t make a screenshot in a secret chat even if it is you who started it etc. If you want to stay anonymous, be ready to contact with the same anonymous users as you are.