In this article we share HTML templates for links to messengers, social media, email and telephone links to use them on your web-sites.
Add to bookmarks, it's usefulTemplates for links to post on your site
How to create a call-able link
HTML code of the telephone link to copy:
1 |
<a href="tel:+12215555555">+1(221) 555-55-55</a> |
Result: +1 (221) 555-55-55
When you tap on the link from a mobile device, you’re offered to call on the number, on the desktop version – to choose an app for making a call.
Link to the email address
In order to create a link use this HTML code:
1 |
<a href="">Email link example</a> |
Result: Email link example
When you tap on the link, a default mail programme is opened. In the “to” field you can see the email address from the HTML link.
Link to chat in Telegram
It works with the help of username only. Change the username “test1” on your own:
You can create a link to a channel or a group chat.
Link to WhatsApp
1. Link to open a chat
Change “009999999” to the WhatsApp user number.
1 |
<a href="">Chat with a WhatsApp user</a> |
Result: Chat with a WhatsApp user
2. Link to open a chat and send a message:
Change “009999999” to the WhatsApp user number.!
1 |
<a href="!">Chat+message on WhatsApp</a> |
Result: Chat+message on WhatsApp
3. Share the text
You see your contacts in the app.
1 |
<a href="whatsapp://send?text=Hello!">Share text on WhatsApp</a> |
Result: Share text on WhatsApp
Link to Skype
1. See the profile
Change “LOGIN” to Skype username.
1 |
<a href="skype:LOGIN?userinfo">Skype</a> |
Result: See a skype profile
2. Add to contacts
Change “LOGIN” to Skype username
1 |
<a href="skype:LOGIN?add">Change “LOGIN” to Skype username</a> |
Result: Add to contacts
3. Call
Change “LOGIN” to Skype username.
1 |
<a href="skype:LOGIN?call">Call on the skype user</a> |
Result: Call on the skype user
4. Send message
Change “LOGIN” to Skype username.
1 |
<a href="skype:LOGIN?chat">Send message on Skype</a> |
Result: Send message on Skype
5. Send a voice message
Change “LOGIN” to Skype username.
1 |
<a href="skype:LOGIN?voicemail">Send a voice message on Skype</a> |
Result: Send a voice message on Skype
Link to Facebook Messenger
Link to a chat with a Facebook Messenger user.
1 |
<a href="">Facebook Messenger</a> |
Result: Facebook Messenger
Muchas gracias por la información.
Thank you for sharing knowledge!
can you help me for viber
i cant creat a href links in my website…plz visit my URL and tell me about them problems…thanks a lot
آژانس هواپیمایی
Thanks for your brief and very useful info…
You save my time!
And for more info please add these templates too:
tg://msg_url?url= (url and text)
tg://resolve?phone= (FULL FHONE NUMBER WITHOUT “+” OR “00”)
Good Luck!
nice solution